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Punjab home care
Providing Best and Reliable Child Care and Old Age Care Services
in your Ferozepur City.
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Old Age Care
Taker Services
Punjab Homecare care is always here to help you in your old age or to take care of your seniors. We have dedicated our entire being to the care of Old age.
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Care Taker at Home
Get Personalised Care with love and affection, all provided with the comfort of a homely atmosphere.
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About Us

About Punjab
Home Care

We, Punjab Home Care At Home, situated at Ferozepur City, Punjab provide expertise home care services by our qualified and trained care takers. We are well known for excellent care and personal tailored service, which strives to meet our clients requirements perfectly. Our trained nurses provide high-end quality care to patients at home. We are here for you and your family during life’s most challenging moments.

24/7 Caregiver

We are dedicated to maintaining quality in personal care

Punjab Home Care has been specially designed to cater to all your needs with in-built facilities, along with a team of professionals people who are trained to make your safety, security, health and happiness their priority.

Less Anxiety means a happier and carefree day.

Our Services

Explore your new home with new members

Home Care

We provide highly trained nurses who gives high-end quality care and services to patients at home.

Old Age Care

Get personalised care with love and affection, all provided with the comfort of a homely atmosphere.

Child Care

We provide highly qualified and experienced nurses who will take care of all your child's needs with care.
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Happy Patients
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Successful Home Care
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Years of Experience
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Professional Nurses

Why Choose Us

We can help you take a breath, maybe even two or three.

At Punjab Homecare, we supply comprehensive care so you or your beloved can still live reception . We are a family-run, local business that gives you with skilled caregivers to assist with the tasks of daily living, which may become overwhelming as an individual ages or faces illness. Let us become your personal Health Hub—dedicated to your well-being, anticipating your needs, and helping to stay your home life running smoothly.

We understand home care is a new experience for many, and that asking for help may be uncomfortable for an independent person. Our job is to remove the burdens and distractions so you can pursue the parts of life that are most important to you.

Our service gives you assurance that that someone is standing by, ready to help, and you are not alone. We offer more of what today’s families need—clear communication, digital tools, a vast referral network of home services, and your flexibility in booking.

Whether you want to age in place or are facing a health crisis or transition, call us and we’ll help you navigate the complexities of in-home care. Our name is Punjab Homecare for a reason.

We pay our caregivers a better salary than the industry average by design: a better wage helps us attract the simplest and most reliable caregivers and reflects truth value and meaning of their work. Our staff is licensed, bonded, insured, and well-trained, undergoing thorough background checks.

Make Appointment

Old age is the golden period of life, live a quality life

Our Approach

Our Home Care Process

Make Appointment

1st Step

Nurse To Your Home

2nd Step

Enjoy Our Home Care

3rd Step

Happy Patients

Our Patient’s Testimonials!!

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